Archive | January 26, 2014

What does it mean to be a priestess or priest of Isis?


In the earlier days of the NeoPagan community, there was often a general assumption that “we are all priestesses or priests of the Deities.” It was meant to combat “high priestess disease,” assert our equality before the Divine, and empower the individual.

All worthy goals, indeed.

While I have always been sympathetic to that position, I don’t fully agree with it. I believe we all have the potential to be priestesses or priests. I believe we can all have a deeply meaningful personal relationship with the Deity or Deities of our choice. But being a priestess or priest is a particular kind of relationship; a particularly worthwhile one if you find yourself attracted to Isis.

If you are already a priestess or priest of a particular Deity or in a particular tradition, you have, no doubt, done some thinking on this topic. If you are not, then you may decide, sometime in the…

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Hymn to Brighid

Hymn to Brighid

Brighid, Lady of flame
Forge of me a link
In the chain
Of strong women
Create a song in my heart
Help me heal with love

Sing me a song of flames
Sing me a song of hammer and anvil
Sing me a song of peace
Sing me a song of creation

Make me strong
Make me shiny
Make me tempered
Make me precious.

Sing me a song of flames
Sing me a song of hammer and anvil
Sing me a song of peace
Sing me a song of creation.

Use me to help
Use me to heal
Use me to create
Use me to make real

Sing me a song of morning
Sing me a song of night
Sing me a song of between times
Sing me a song of your light.

Kat – TOILA Brighid ritual 2001