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Today’s reading



Ten of Wands 

The challenge of dealing with responsibility brings a need for inner fortitude and stamina. This requires courage. The weight of the burden may be heavy. Face this with resolve and welcome this testing experience with enthusiasm. 

A feeling of being burdened, weighed down by the responsibility of work or caring for others. Try to delegate and lay down some of the load.

Today’s reading



You must be balanced and patient. The time is right to rest and contemplate all the facets of your existence. To continue now you must be still and calm.

Finding the inner balance that will enable you to see beyond the present state is a process of trust and confidence in your own strengths. These facets may include the parts of your psyche that you would rather not deal with, but no amount of denial will rid you of the need to absorb and reclaim them.

Balance is absolutely necessary to free the inner self from the fears and self-doubts that keep us spiritually deaf, dumb and blind.

Once the natural state of balance is achieved, the plateau that will give you access to the higher self will be open before you.

Drawing this card can indicate a new harmony in your relationship or in a friendship. A creative phase in which you will blossom. An inner balance.

All dualities of light and dark, fire (red) and air (white) land and water, active and passive, are blended together creating a new third force – the green and fertile land, the person in balance with themselves, who is both grounded and creative, (Creativity, three of stones) and who radiates that energised peace (Fulfilment, 3 of wands) generated by someone at one with themselves.

Three has always been a very sacred number, representing creation, i.e., one + one = another.

The fleur-de-lis, iris or flag, in flower this time of year is a symbol of the three-in-one, the three worlds unified.

Drawing this card can indicate a new harmony in your relationship or in a friendship. A creative phase in which you will blossom. An inner balance.

Today’s reading


 The Greenwoman

This is a time of rich nurturing and protection, learning and initiation, a time of loving and fertile relationships, both on the human scale and with the universe. 

The Greenwoman mediates the sacred sovereignty of the Earth’s soul and can show the path to understanding of and communion with nature. But with this blessing comes responsibility. Remember this glorious, magnanimous and generous spirit can live through you, radiated by the sacred breath of life and given to others who need guidance and healing.

Learn from the abundant and joyous spirit of the Earth and be at one with the world and your true self. 

The Greenwoman is she who blesses those that come through the gateway of life, with love, healing and protection. She is the spiritual and actual warmth of the midsummer sun, and gives the breath of life to nature, and the newly born. 

Wild roses, symbol of an open heart, flow from her. Round her neck is a gold torc, a symbol of her sovereignty as Empress. Her golden cup is of amber, a translucent resin often called the teardrops of the sun. 

The Greenwoman is also a tree in full leaf supporting many other species in its branches. She is abundance made manifest. 

The Sheila-na-gig is the gateway of life. The flame on her third eye burns with divine intelligence and inner wisdom. She is also the oracle , voicing the heart of the land. She is the empowered heart, at one with herself, independent, creative, loving, stable, abundant, nurturing herself and others.

Today’s reading


Two of Stones

Mad March hares `box’ for domination. After finding your grounded energy, a position may be challenged. Learning to deal with rivalry or adversity.

Confrontation, manifested tensions, rivalry, arguments, that are often not well founded, but they need to be bridged before you can move forward.

Today’s reading



Five of Stones 

The inner strength and courage to protect yourself and survive the challenges of life. This may mean a withdrawal from trauma to focus emotional power. 

… watching lightning strike the home, the emotional centre. 

Temporary withdrawal, looking on, unsure of how best to handle the situation. 

This inactivity initially taken as self-protection, can become over-passivity.

Today’s reading



Knight of Cups

Salmon are sacred in most shamanic systems for many reasons, but their ability to swim upstream to their birthplace and spawn is one of the most remarkable. This journey leaves the salmon exhausted and most die in the attempt. Representing, therefore, self-sacrifice and wisdom, salmon were said to swim in pools overhung by hazel trees and to eat the nuts falling off in autumn.

This card denotes someone whose life serves a greater purpose, someone with perseverance, determination, self-sacrificing and wise. Could have a tendency to martyrdom – to give away too much of one self.

Today’s reading


 The Stoat

Page of Wands 

With a fierce hunting instinct and its ability to live underground, combined with the changing colour of its fur from white to red (the symbols of winter to spring) and its black tail, the stoat has strong mystical links to the sovereignty of the land. 

Renewal of an alert determination. Realignment with the sacred will of the land. Secrecy and magical sensitivity. Playfulness. An ability to slip out of situations.

Today’s reading



Seven of Stones 

After physical or emotional sickness a time of inner rest and rejuvenation is required. Patient and peaceful healing comes from a spiritual source. Wholeness after wounding. 

You are receiving healing, and need to reunite your re-energised ‘astral’ or spirit body with your physical body. 

Time to reawaken and ground oneself, using your visionary experience in a creative way in normal life

Today’s reading



Nine of Stones 

Reverence for past wisdom and sacrifice. 

The ability to relate to ancient knowledge and pass on the lessons of ancestral memory and ritual. 

Be aware of the patterns of connection linking you and nature around you to the past, present and future. 

Deep learning. The memory of much that has been revered in the landscape can be retrieved in periods of respectful stillness. 

Learning from elders.