The Tarot Readings of the day

The tarot readings are all done with Chesca Potter and Mark Ryan’s tarot deck “The Greenwood deck.”

Sometimes I draw the card from my copy of the deck and mostly I use a website that uses Chesca’s interpretations of the cards because I do the reading on the way to work if I’m not drawing the card and it’s easier to post that way.

You can get a reading here complete with interpretations at:

There are more spreads available on the website.


More information can be found here on the deck as well as a link to Chesca’s archived site and Chesca’s archived site:

Chesca was one of the first members of FOI and was good friends with Caroline Wise and did a lot of research on Britain’s ley lines and on the beginnings of Caroline’s research on the rediscovery of Elen of the Ways. Chesca disappeared and even her family hasn’t been able to find her. Her current whereabouts are unknown.

There was a lot of interest in the reissue of the deck but Mark Ryan couldn’t find her so the Wild Wood Tarot was created.

I was luck enough to receive the deck from one of my classes of Wicca 101 students when Mark came to LA to do a signing and they went and got it signed for me. They knew I was a huge fan of Robin of Sherwood and Mark had played the Saracen so they thought it would be a nice thank you gift. It was a much bigger gift than they knew at the time. Now the deck is rare and I cherish it all the more. I already had her shaman deck, The Celtic Shaman deck: