Archive | November 2005

December Holidays

+————– Bizarre Holidays in December —————+

December 3 is National Roof-Over-Your-Head Day

December 4 is Wear Brown Shoes Day

December 8 is Take It In The Ear Day

December 10 is Festival For The Souls Of Dead Whales

December 12 is National Ding-A-Ling Day

December 16 is National Chocolate Covered Anything Day

December 18 is National Roast Suckling Pig Day

December 20 is Games Day

December 26 is National Whiners Day

December 30 is Festival Of Enormous Changes At The Last Minute
and National Bicarbonate Of Soda Day

Solstice Faire Saturday

Long Beach WomanSpirit
Winter Solstice Faire
Saturday 3 December 2005
10:00AM – 4:30PM
Donation: $5
Goddess Crafts offering Ritual Items and Clothing,
Books, Soaps, Statues, Musical Instruments, Pottery,
Artwork, Stationary, and More!

Circles & Entertainment
10:00AM Opening Circle with Ella Reed
10:30AM FEAST Awards
11:00AM Kahena and Banaat al-Qamar
11:45AM The Happy Death Band
12:45AM The Blue Stars of Tanit
1:15PM Lisa Thiel
2:15PM Akasha
2:45PM Miri Hunter Haruach
3:30PM The Nubian Divas
4:15PM Closing Circle

Hourly Raffle of Vendor Donated Items

This is our 18th year!
Come and spend the day!

Event held at
Unitarian Universalist Church of Long Beach
5450 Atherton, Long Beach
just west of Bellflower Blvd.
between 405 Freeway and 7th Street

Event not sponsored by UUCLB
Event is sponsored by
Temple of Isis/Los Angeles

Why I haven’t seen Rent Yet

We were going to see RENT this weekend. I even bought my ticket for yesterday morning but I couldn’t make myself go. I don’t remember that period in my life all that fondly. That was when the lesbian community was fracturing around a bunch of groups. Before that time there weren’t enough of us to be able to split in groups but suddenly in the Los Angeles area we were and it wasn’t pretty. The men were getting sick and a lot of the lesbian community was either scared or wanted nothing to do with men at all. And that left some of the rest of us hanging in the wind. Wanting to do something and having things said about us by the others who disagreed.

For a long time no one knew why lesbians didn’t get AIDS or GRID when it started.
We just knew we weren’t getting sick. So the charities began and for a long time most of them out here were run by women. When men started to be more active and more drugs let them live longer (Which is a good thing, make no mistake about that) often the lesbians were asked to step down or given stupid jobs. Or just not given notice of meetings where decisions were being made. I was one of the volunteer on-call clergy and all of sudden no one was giving me notice of meetings when the new head of the dept took over.

Lesbians had gone on every walk, Posada, ride and benefit and raised a ton of money. And then we started to die of breast, ovarian and uterine cancer and had to raise our own money for our own community and some women started to get pissed because after all we had done to raise money for them the very few men that were left our age gave back to our community. And the separatists were convinced they were right all along.

We were also splitting along internal cultural lines which didn’t help. Some lesbians were rather Marxist and no lesbian should have money or be upwardly mobile and accused anyone who was as classist. Blue collar dykes ragged on white collar dykes as not knowing how to work hard. Some lesbians were granola dykes and everything had to be their version of environmentally friendly whether based in science or myth. The ones that didn’t bathe or deodorant got old fast. Some were all about the meat market. If you didn’t look or dress right forget going the Suite in Long Beach. Anybody who was either too butch or too fem was looked at funny in some crowds. It seemed for a while as if everyone was angry over stupid stuff that didn’t matter if a friend you weren’t supposed to even have was dying.

So, no, that isn’t my favourite period in my history and I will see the movie just not this weekend.

Missing Cam

I haven’t posted much this week at least not like usual. Just was feeling listless. (Oops, inadvertent pun) This morning my intestines staged a major sneak attack and it took 2 trips to the taigh beag for me to figure out my emotions has gone south before the rest of me caught up or at least my brain had caught on to the fact that this was our first holiday without Cam. I bullied him into coming last year because mom was on the hospital and I told him it might be our last one together meaning with mom. And it was the last just not the way I thought.

It hurts

Things I’m thankful for this year

In no particular order

Friends – new and old
What family I have left
my garden
good books to escape into and learn from
my new car
my sense of humour
eating and sleeping indoors in a nice place
having a job
my abilities
my health- such as it is
that I live in this time and this place even though sometimes I wonder.
(I like modern plumbing and women’s current opportunities)

Okay, I went to see Harry Potter again ’cause Alison wanted me to go again. (She liked it but she won’t read the books either)and it wasn’t as bad the second time But I still have some major, major problems with it. I really miss John Williams, who moves the plot along as much as the dialogue does in a scene. This score is just insipid and boring and really has nothing to do with the plot. I still miss characters, like where the hell was Percy???? And it was the Bulgarians not the Romanians. Romania is where the dragons came from and it’s Moodie in the kilt. Oh well.

I saw Pride and Predjudice yesterday and loved it. They did an excellent job translating a book to the movie and the casting was excellent too.

I wish I could have slept better but worrying about the @#$%^&* monthly Finance meeting had me up every hour and so did my cat’s evil new trick. She stalks my braid and attacks it in my sleep. Which scares the living crap out of me to have my hair yanked in my sleep. When you think you are sleeping alone it’s just not nice. I’m very lucky I did not wake up screaming and so is my sister.

We had the coven yearly planning meeting yesterday and it looks good. 4 fun workshops on 3 good subjects and a tea ( witch’s hat required, no gloves. I’m looking forward to this.