Archive | September 14, 2013

Today’s reading

The World Tree

The universe and all its blessings are available to everyone who seeks knowledge and wisdom with a sincere heart. 

On every level, the cosmos has a generous bounty and gives freely of its rich nourishment and fulfilment. This may relate to material gain and wealth or to spiritual happiness and emotional security, but after the long process of learning, responsibility and rebirth, it is now time to bathe in the light of renewal, attainment and personal triumph. 

Breathe in the rich air, drink of the sweet water and rejoice in the warming fire of the universal life force. 

You stand at the centre as the Tree, your journey complete. You are able to draw on all the qualities from the other cards in the wheel, you are in balance, a whole person. 

You are at one with yourself, your immediate universe, your own path and a greater destiny.Image