Archive | February 23, 2015

Today’s reading


You must be balanced and patient. The time is right to rest and contemplate all the facets of your existence. To continue now you must be still and calm.

Finding the inner balance that will enable you to see beyond the present state is a process of trust and confidence in your own strengths. These facets may include the parts of your psyche that you would rather not deal with, but no amount of denial will rid you of the need to absorb and reclaim them.

Balance is absolutely necessary to free the inner self from the fears and self-doubts that keep us spiritually deaf, dumb and blind.

Once the natural state of balance is achieved, the plateau that will give you access to the higher self will be open before you.

Drawing this card can indicate a new harmony in your relationship or in a friendship. A creative phase in which you will blossom. An inner balance.

All dualities of light and dark, fire (red) and air (white) land and water, active and passive, are blended together creating a new third force – the green and fertile land, the person in balance with themselves, who is both grounded and creative, (Creativity, three of stones) and who radiates that energised peace (Fulfilment, 3 of wands) generated by someone at one with themselves.

Three has always been a very sacred number, representing creation, i.e., one + one = another.

The fleur-de-lis, iris or flag, in flower this time of year is a symbol of the three-in-one, the three worlds unified.

Drawing this card can indicate a new harmony in your relationship or in a friendship. A creative phase in which you will blossom. An inner balance.

The Brothers Grimm and the functions of the folk tale…

I will be eternally grateful to my grandmother that the gift she gave me after my eye surgery was an illustrated copy of Golden Books Fairy Tales in the originally gory translation. I for some reason loved the one of the girl who rescues her brother by cutting off her little finger to make a key. They were not the sanitized versions!

Progressive Culture | Scholars & Rogues

Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm‘s compilation of stories known as Grimm’s Fairy Tales are powerful, perhaps shocking (perhaps not), entertainment for children of any age – and a structuralist literary critic’s dream…

The J. H. Sears edition of Grimm’s Fairy Tales (image courtesy Etsy)

The next book from the 2015 reading list is another of those “rescued” books of mine. Lea  and I were wandering around a local antique/junk shop when we came across a “children’s edition” (or what passed for a children’s edition early in the 20th century). The book I have was published by J.H. Sears and Company of New York, although the edition I have was “set up, printed, and bound” by the Kingsport Press of Kingsport Tennessee. There is no publication date, but the book is inscribed, “Nancy Ivey/Grade 1/1929-30” so this book is at least 85 years old, perhaps older.

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