Archive | August 14, 2005

I’m so tired emotionally right now I can hardly see but I have also never felt so loved by so many people. Today’s service had all my coven sisters and Temple of Isis sisters, the people from the church choir who watched us grow up and other of our friends. So many silly things happened during the service that I know Cam was laughing his butt off there in the back. And later one of his old bosses and a fellow choir member told me she had heard Cam for a few measure of one of the hymns. I know he’s laughing even if it’s just because he put his 2 wiccan sisters thru 2 church services. Wicked man.

Ali and I both wore our kilts today complete with sporrans and sgian dubhs in our socks. Cam was the last male Robb of the line with the name.

Its very strange for me to hear so many people call him Cameron, he was never Cameron to me unless I was really mad, he was Cammie or Cam or if I wanted to bug him Bugro Nelson.

Goddess but I miss the little twerp. Your baby brother is supposed to be there all your life so you can have the illusion that you can still protect him from anything that could hurt him besides yourself beating the crap out him.