Dress like a nerd for Halloween? Yeah right.

Someone in our dept has decided that we are supposed to dress as nerds on Halloween. Seriously?

I told her I was going to come as myself, She told me I wasn’t a nerd. I don’t know what else you would call someone who presents papers at the Pagan Studies Conference for fun and wasn’t one of the PhDs or Mas doing it.

Not to mention having a degree as a Naturalist and 6 minors and dragging people through the shrubbery because you think it’s fun. Or an adult that loves museums of natural history or science and just became a family member at the LA Museum of Natural History.

And is a nerdy geek fan girl of multiple fandoms and has been to multiple cons. Or goes to Ren Faire in period correct garb, even if it is male garb and who was a member of a Pirate Guild.

And whose friends would probably not mind being subjected to impromptu factoid lectures.

If I had a flowered shirt and a striped sweater I could go as Amy Farrah Fowler. But I refuse to go as the taped glasses, pants pulled up kind they are passing pictures around as examples.

Hmmm, what would a witch nerd look like? Probably like someone in my coven since we’re all scientists. LOL!

Me, presenting at Pagan Studies Conference, not a nerd at all. The bow tie was in honour of William Blumberg from Cherry Hill Seminary who always has a bow tie on.

4 thoughts on “Dress like a nerd for Halloween? Yeah right.

  1. Tricky one! How much work do you want to put into this? You could dress up as Tardis or Klingon and only talk Klingon that day.
    Or you just put your tinfoil hat on and hold lectures about aliens and the government watching you ^^

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