Archive | October 16, 2014

Brittany Maynard doesn’t “want to die”

I totally understand why she is doing this, my brother had the same kind of cancer and seized to death in the ER and they wouldn’t give him pain meds and he was in excruciating pain. Her choice can’t be everyone’s choice but I sure understand the need to die on your own terms.

Today’s reading




Patience and prudence are the keywords here, although trust plays a large part in the process of crossing to the island where insights into your own unconscious workings will be revealed. 

This process differs from The Hermit’s journey in the fact that The Hermit makes a conscious decision to withdraw and contemplate the universe but with Reflection a surrender of will is required. 

Insights may come from dreams and meditations, but now is not the time to force the pace or drive on with a plan or desire until you have heard what your soul has to say about it and your bruised and wounded spirit has been healed. 

Be patient. Let the journey commence and awaken afresh and full of energy ready to deal with the world and the challenges it raises. 

When the foundation of one’s life seems to have collapsed beneath you, you can seek sanctuary in Reflection from the emotional intensity of The Blasted Oak. 

Reflection is concerned with sacred mysteries… 

In a reading this card indicates profound healing, a period of introspection, healing, immersion in myths and visions, stellar lore, conception, learning about yourself.