Archive | February 27, 2017

Male Transgender Violence Against Women Is A REAL Thing


Transgender propaganda states that no woman has ever been harmed by a transgender in the women’s bathroom or in any other women’s private spaces, e.g., locker/dressing rooms, homeless and battered woman shelters, jails/prisons, etc. But if people would actually LOOK, instead of relying on transgender alternative facts, they would see that the stories are there, numbering in the dozens, at least, of women being assaulted, raped, and killed both by male transgenders and males who are not transgender, but pretend to be in order to gain access to women’s private spaces, because male violence is a real thing.

There is one sorta recent story that was barely touched by mainstream media and completely ignored by LGB media (except for @PinkNews who reported the male transgender as a woman and neglected to report on his motive) because it flies in the face of transgender propaganda, which says that men who claim…

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Today’s reading 


King of Arrows 

Still found in mountain woodlands in parts of Europe, the lynx is one of the creatures at the top of the food chain. With its speed and cunning, combined with its ability to climb trees, it is a formidable hunter as well as a fierce protector of its young. 

The lynx balances powerful action with needful passivity. 

A person of power, able to defend, protect and nourish their children or inner child, proud and independent. A tendency to anger curbed by a warm heart.