
***ElfKat had a severe TBI and multiple concussion disorder about 3 years ago. I can’t write as much as I used to but I can share things I find interesting. Thanks for understanding any blips in my mental state. Head injuries suck!***

ElfKat is a Druid in the Fellowship of Isis’ Druid Clan of Dana in the Hazelwood Grove. A member of the Coven of the Mother Mountain Aerie. http://www.mothermountain.org/

And on October 5, 2013 was consecrated Arch Druidess in the Hazelwood Grove, Druid Clan of Dana, F.O.I.. And accepted a post in FOI’s Arch Druid Union of which there are only 33 members worldwide. https://sites.google.com/site/fellowshipofisiscentral/fellowship-of-isis-foundation-union-triad—archdruid-union

And a member of the Temple of Isis/Los Angeles http://www.toila.org/ as well as having the Iseum of BunniHoTep. http://bunnihotep.livejournal.com/ which in turn is a member of the Circle of Pelagia, http://www.circleofpelagia.net/. We pagans love to Circle.

She is also a Brighid Flamekeeper with Ord Brighideach, http://www.ordbrighideach.org/raven/.

She is an author of Miss Kat’s Guide to Genteel Witchcraft available on Amazon as well as the Tales of BunniHoTep and the Heart Town Witch and Other Stories.

ElfKat lives in Los Angeles and thinks there are truly magical places all over the area. She delight in finding them and sharing them. She loves the murals that are scattered all over LA, the art work that hides in odd corners such as the Metro System and in places like strip malls. Her camera is always with her if she can and her phone if she has to but she loves her Sony SLR with it’s Zeiss lens. She got her first Brownie at 8 and joined her family’s passion for photography dating back to the 1800’s.

She loves her garden, just about any botanical garden. She follows Quan Yin, Hecate and Brighid as well as having a fondness for the Green Man. She loves felines and misses her kitty, the Liathfaol and hasn’t been able to find her next furperson or they haven’t found her. For now she makes do with her sister’s kitty, Coirbidh.

Sometimes she can even be seen playing with the faeries at the bottom of her garden.

She also can be a cranky opinionated old crone who is interested in almost everything. Curiosity is her besetting sin and one that she will never be regretful about. She has no patience with fools and willfully stupid people.

She is also an out and proud lesbian who has been out since 1979. Don’t like it? I don’t care. Deal with it. She is also a 2nd wave feminist and was a charter subscriber to MS magazine.

In the past she has presented papers at the Claremont Graduate Schools Pagan Studies Conference on various subjects including Lesbiphobia and pagans dealing with terminal illness.  She has been a board member of FERAL, the Pallas Society and United We Circle.

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All photographs are taken by me unless otherwise indicated but the funny stuff may come from all over the web and I may not know who created it because it wasn’t credited there. Most of the Nature photos come from the area where I live in places like Descanso Gardens, Sepulveda Wildlife Refuge, LA County Arboretum or Franklin Canyon, Getty Museum garden.

Unless re-blogged or from the news, all content is original.


43 thoughts on “About

  1. you have had this blog since 2005!!! wow how awesome, i can see why you have all the awards.you have a great blog and i’m glad i found you 🙂


  2. Hi there. I love your work and just wanted to let you know, I’ve nominated your blog for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award. By the looks of things, you’ve already been a part of it, so I’ll skip the spiel and just say that I really enjoy reading your blog and keep up the great work (:


  3. Lovely Blog and all your awards! Well done. I am looking forward to reading some of your archived work. I live in County Kildare, Ireland. A short distance from Brigid’s holy well and sacred flame. People come from all over the world to visit.

    Keep up the good work.
    Vivien Ní Dhuinn (Irish for Dunne)


  4. Pingback: PNC-Southern California Bureau » Blog Archive » The Conference on Current Pagan Studies Celebrates 10 Years

    • not sure how to contact you. I just read a series of books by Joanna MacOwl. Have you read these yet? I enjoyed them and wonder what your take is on it? Do you recommend any authors for lesbian witches at all? I’m just started searching and having very little luck.


  5. Pingback: Premio Dardos Award | An old dog learning to blog

  6. Pingback: One Lovely Blog Award #1 | Random Ramblings; Myriad Musings

  7. Will you be at the AWP Conference March 30-April 2? I love to meet up if you are!
    Peace, love & harmony,
    Sherrie Miranda’s historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador:
    Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too:


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