Just because it’s funny.

Pigeon Blog

Check this out for a bit of urban eating action. The Marylebone Station Cornish Pasty free-for-all. Fat Eddie hangs out there all the time.

“Mostly it’s just bits of pastry,” he said, “but sometimes you’re talking mince, cheese, warm veg. Once I got the whole lot. Bloody marvelous.”

Then he showed me how it’s done.

“See, all I do is slip in under here… Like this…”

Nicely done Eddie.

“Result!” He said, coming out with a slice of carrot topped with runny cheese.

But then he showed me how he celebrates. Oh dear. It’s called ‘The Pasty Dance’.

This is it. The Pasty Dance:


He wanted me to join in. Needless to say I politely declined.

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