5 thoughts on “Fox News guest laments ‘mistake’ of letting women vote | The Raw Story As someone who comes from a long line of suffragettes and abolitionists, this makes my blood boil!

  1. I think the thing that gets to me the most is that when he’s talking about the “good old days” before women were voting, HIS FAMILY WERE SLAVES. I’m sorry, that’s probably politically incorrect, but can we please remember that segregation and whatnot were a part and parcel to the way of human life around the same time us “crazy” women were fighting to vote. I couldn’t read the whole article because I was getting steamed, but I just couldn’t help but think, “What the hell? Does he not realize that if he wants to go back that far in time, then chances are he’d be dead?”


    • I was so mad when I read this I couldn’t speak. He must have a really weird view of history and blinders about the treatment of his own race!!!!


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